Monday 13 April 2015

Products And Their Values 


Chicken & Chicken Eggs


Female chicken may lay eggs daily (Layers), some occasionally. The ones which do not lay eggs may be suffering from abnormalities such as Narrow Pelvis. Hens would lay eggs whether or not they meet a cock or Male chicken. The males are only necessary for egg fertilization. Layers are capable of laying about 250 eggs a year. These layers have to consume about 5 Pounds of Feed to produce a dozen eggs. Chicken raised for meat are called ‘Broilers’.

Chicken is not classified among red meat, which makes it therefore, safe to eat regularly. Chicken meat is known for its high Protein content but it as well contains Vitamins B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12. This level of protein content helps to keep the bones healthy especially in elderly people. Eating chicken meat can help reduce Stress, brighten your mood and make keep the brain stable. Also, eating chicken regularly helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

Chicken eggs contain all the essential nutrients contained in the chicken meat including Vitamins D, K and Phosphorus. A single chicken egg may contain about 6% of Protein, 77 Calories. The high cholesterol in chicken eggs does not actually increase the cholesterol level of the blood. It instead, reduces the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver while increasing HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) which is termed the ‘Good Cholesterol’. Eating Chicken eggs regularly will help improve the eye health.



It is sometimes called the Alligator Pear. Avocados thrive in tropical and Mediterranean climates.  

When added into cosmetics products they are very good for skin and hair. In Medicare products they are good in healing wounds, toothaches, diarrhea and stimulating menstrual flow. Its seed can also be ground and used in Medicare products for treating dandruff. It also helps combat microbes that cause bad breath.

They are good anti-oxidants, containing active ingredients such as; Lycopene and beta-carotene. Avocados have high fat content but they are classified under healthy fats according to research because they boost a healthy skin and hair, preventing the skin from wrinkling.

One of its active contents; Vitamin B6, folic acid, and Omega-3 helps reduce Cardiovascular risks. It also helps prevent Cancer and promotes blood sugar. It contains Lutein (good for vision), Folate (good for cell repair and in during Pregnancy). They contain more potassium that bananas, with 2grams of Protein.

Cashew Nut

This is got from the cashew apple (the flesh). The nut also known as the Anacardium Nut is a yellowish-brownish hard fruit that grows from the bottom of the cashew apple with a distinct scent. It has a shell which covers the kernel inside. The kernel becomes the edible part of the nut.

These fruits are mainly found in Africa, Europe, and some parts of The South Americas. They are stored in temperatures ranging between 5 and 20 degree Celsius.

The contain dietary fibers, oil(healthy fat content), calories, vitamins B1,B5,B6, minerals- Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, copper, zinc etc. that help prevent from diseases such as Cancer. It contains about 5g of Protein per Ounce. It contains no cholesterol and therefore make healthy fat food for Cardiovascular/heart patients.

They are good anti-oxidants good for the skin and hair as it helps produce Melanin. 

The cashew apple is delicious in taste and can be to make sandwich pastes like Jam. They are appetizers and can be served roasted, sugar coated, salted or Coated with chololate. 


Quails and Quail Eggs 


Quails belong in Phasianidae(Pheasant) family. These includes birds such as; Peacock, Pheasant, patridge, jungle fowl etc.The found main open bushy areas. They feed on seeds, roots, leaves, insects etc. They are good for meat and their eggs are tasty and highly nutritious. The most common ones called the Coturnix coturnix are the found in Nigeria.

The nutritional value of these eggs are 4 times greater than of chicken eggs. This is partly because their hard protective shells helps prevent bacteria from penetrating their surfaces. They contain Vitamins A, B 1(140%) while chicken eggs contain only about 50%, B2, B12, C & D.

There’s also Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper etc. It boosts libido in men and improves fetus and general reproduction process. They are a great supplements for child brain development. They can be eaten cooked or fried. They contain much more protein than chicken eggs and help to fight allergies, stomach ulcers, strengthens the nervous and brain system. 


Snails are of the class Gastropoda. Gastropods including Slugs can be traced as far back as 500 million years ago. 

Snails are Hermaphrodites (i.e Possessing both male and female reproductive organs) and are nocturnal (i.e seeing and acting more freely at night) with eyes that tend to grow back if lost. Snails can be found mostly in humid, shaded areas.

Snails contain lots of Lectin (Sugar-binding and Carbohydrate-binding Proteins). They contain Vitamin A, B12, E, & K. They also contain Iron, Selenium, & Manganese. They are made up of about 80% water, 15% Protein, & 5% healthy fat. They low in Calories with 90 Calories per 100g serving.

Snails when eaten regularly help prevent from cancer by making the body system immune to cancerous cells. Their serum can be used in Cosmetics to produce Scar remover and other skin treatments. Eating them also help keep the skin healthy because they contain Collagen and Elastin. Snails are very delicious meals, they could be served boiled, fried, or in soup.






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